MCC Worship and Prayer Night

Join us for an evening of worship and prayer time at the middle school on Saturday, August 26 from 6-7:30pm.

During our time, we will have times of intimacy with God, prayer of healing, praying for one another, surrender to his will and mission, and declarations of the glory of God and lifting up the name of Jesus! Times like this are crucial for a faith community to grow and walk deeper together. I strongly encourage you to set aside the time this night to make it a priority for you and your family.

We are working on providing childcare, so to help us out, would you please complete this quick form so we have an idea of how many children and the age breakdown. Thank you so much for your response and help with this!!

We look forward to joining together with you for this incredible evening!


We will meet in the cafeteria throughout the month of July at MCC. This month gives many of our volunteers a break, especially our MCC kids teams and setup/tear down teams. While we will not have our regular MCC kids programming, we will have activities and packets for the kids to engage with throughout the month.

This month is a sabbath for us. We intentionally step back from a lot of activity to gives ourselves rest and to connect deeper and more intentionally with one another.

Our theme for the month is “storytellers”. Each week we will hear from various MCC folks who will share what God has been teaching them/how He has been leading them in their lives. We will also have time to worship and share in discussion together. This is going to be a great month for us as we take a step back and enjoy being a community.