Men’s Retreat – The Journey

We are excited to announce our first men’s retreat – “The Journey” –  this March 3rd and 4th!  Our team has been working hard to plan for this approximately 24 hour period that I believe is going to be very significant for the men at MCC.

The weekend will be filled with great connection, teaching, games, worship, and prayer.  I believe that throughout this time we will connect with Jesus and each other in a meaningful way.  I hope that you can make this time!

We will arrive at Camp Hebron (Halifax, PA) at 7pm on Friday night, March 3 and conclude at 5:30pm on Saturday, March 4.  Many of us will stop for a pizza dinner together on the way back.

The cost for one night, which includes breakfast and lunch, is only $60!  Following your registration, we will send a form out so that you can sign up for your rooms (3 guys/room).

You can register on-line here.   Please register by Friday, February 3.  I hope all the men at MCC can make this time!

If you have questions, complete this form – [contact-form-7 404 "Not Found"]

Women’s Worship Night

Women’s Worship Night

Attention women! Another worship night is being planned for the women at MCC!

What: Women’s worship night! Come join in a time of worship, prayer and community as we seek to experience the presence of Jesus personally and as a body.

When:Thursday, March 23rd

Time: 7-8:30 pm

Where: McBIC Youth Center (1050 South York Street)

Baptism at MCC!

Our next baptism service is going to be Sunday, May 7.  If you are a follower of Jesus Christ and have not been baptized, I encourage you to take this important step and publicly declare your faith in Jesus Christ.  In our denomination (Brethren in Christ), we do not baptize infants, but instead practice believers baptism.  If you would like to learn more or would like to be baptized on May 7, please complete the form below.

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Child Dedication!

We are again dedicating children on Mother’s Day (May 14)!

In our denomination (Brethren in Christ), rather than having child baptisms (we practice believers baptism), we have parents dedicate their children to the Lord. This is an awesome opportunity for parents to commit to raising their children with a foundation of faith in Jesus Christ. It is also a time where family, friends, and our church come together with you to commit to support you and your child to live out this dedication!

If you are interest in dedicating your child(ren) or if you have any questions about this, please use the contact form below.

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Parenting Round Table

Following church on Sunday, October 30, MCC is going to host a round table discussion on the topic of parenting from noon-1:30pm.  We have a number of parents at MCC and many of us have young children. The role of the parent is an extremely significant one that comes with many unique challenges and opportunities.

We will have a panel discussion to chat about the topic of parenting and provide an open environment for you to ask questions.  Join us as we learn from one another!  This is also an opportunity to invite friends and neighbors who are experiencing the ups and downs of parenting like all of us.

We will have lunch available for you and your family following church, so you will not need to worry about grabbing lunch.  We will also provide childcare for this time.

Sign up here!

Guy’s Bon Fire Night

It our turn now guys!  I am excited for our first ever guy’s bon fire event for Friday night, November 4 from 6:30-8:30pm.  What guy doesn’t like a gigantic fire with meats, marshmallows, and sticks?!?  We’ll have hot dogs, s’mores, time to hang out, and a short devotional time.  We will have the bon fire at Jeremy and Amanda’s farm (439 S. Locust Point Rd, Mechanicsburg).  Make sure you put this date on your calendar!  It’s going to be a great time!

This is going to be a great opportunity to connect with other men from MCC.   You won’t want to miss this!  Maybe we will even wrestle bears!?!  I don’t know, but I am confident we will leave smelling like fire, saw dust, and earth.  What could be better!?  Nothing…nothing is the answer.

Sign up here! 

Prayer for our Nation

MCC, McBIC, and Immanuel Church will meet together on Monday night, November 7 from 6:30-7:30pm at Immanuel Church (800 S. Market St., Mechanicsburg) for a time of worship and prayer.

This evening will provide us an intentional time and space to pray together for our country.  This is an important time in our nation and through this evening we can model a great sense of community, love, and unity as we pray together.  (Coloring/activity books will be provided for kids).